Monday, December 19, 2011

So the week begins. Monday, is not a day of rest or hump day, or thank God day. It is "here we go again", Monday. Or so it was until recently. Now, I am developing a tool box of ways to kick it up a notch. Heck, this writing exercise is one of those tools. I really don't know what got into me to think that writing every day could possibly be something that I could or would do. Here I am on day two. I should actually be out the door, but that has not been my program for a while now. Monday, any day really, starts for me a little later than some. My wife teaches. She is up at 5:30 and out the door by 7. I have done that at times in my life, but morning and I are not best friends. We get along OK, but given a choice, I will push the start back a little bit and make it up on the other end. I have been self employed for 23 years of my life. That is 23 of 39 working years, so far. And while I don't have any regrets about the jobs I have had, I really appreciate being my own boss. Being the boss is not the best part. For the most part, it has been a solo operation for me. What I appreciate is the independence and flexibility to make my own day. I realize there are lots of things that influence how my day can go. But being self employed means I have a greater ability to decide how I want it to go. So back to these tools and the changing Monday effect. So I've decided in my 60th year to take a closer look at who I am how things are going for me. My kids are mostly grown up and so less time is devoted to them and their daily lives. Seeing them launch off into the world has reminded me of my early efforts to find my passion and make my way. What is it that guides us? Inside or out? Probably both. Reflection, listening intently to yourself, paying attention to the sense of joy and wonder when it arises. Awareness- this is another tool that I am implementing. When I arise each day, I am trying to take time to appreciate all that is good in my life. My dear friend Doug Uraneck, said that gratitude is at the heart of our existence. If we feel gratitude, we can feel compassion and love. If we feel gratitude, we can act in harmony with each other and with nature. If we feel gratitude, we are liberated from our fears and free to shine our lights and share our gifts. Saying these words makes me so happy to be alive. I want to shine, and I want to see others shine. By taking time, first thing in the morning to listen and reflect on the miracle of my existence, I am overcoming barriers before they can bear fruit; I am priming my pump, my heart, to facilitate the continuous flow of life force in a positive direction. Why would this not be the natural path for everyone? Hmm, that is food for thought. But today, I want to keep adding these tools, so that I can reinforce my positive journey. It seems like a lot to take on, but as the great classic film "What about Bob?" reminds us, what we need to do is focus on the next baby step, not the chasm, but the next most important thing before us. I am not Wiley Coyote. If I leap to far, when I hit the ground I will be broken and getting up and wiping off the dust will not be possible. Indeed, most of us have hurts of our own making or of circumstance that we are still licking and to heal also best happens in small increments. Don't push it. Be kind to yourself, for yourself and everyone who has to live with you. Monday is the first day of the week. Except for that, it is no different than any other day. This is the day that we are given. Film maker Louie Schwartzberg has produced a wonderful short film called Happiness Revealed that helps me appreciate my day and my life. This film has become another tool for me. It is a wonderful visual and audio reminder of our connection to the world. Here is the link:

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