Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas time is almost here. What would Jesus do?

Well, it's beginning to look a lot like global warming is elsewhere, and we may have a white Christmas. That is good because there are a lot of things that make it hard to appreciate the holiday and significance that it should have. I'm not really sure why snow makes me feel more in the Christmas spirit. Jesus sure wasn't born in a snow storm. I doubt if he ever saw snow. Is there a hebrew or aramaic word for snow? So the whole snow thing doesn't make much sense. There is probably a subliminal message that I swallowed as a child reminding me to link Christmas with snow and presents and incense and balsam fir and eggnog and stocking hung on the chimney with care, to a baby in a manger that was to become the Prince of Peace.

This Christmas season is looking somewhat bleak. I have a friend that was just demoted- but hey, she still has a job. My oldest boy is struggling to find work now that he is done with college. Same story for his girl friend. Many people are living on the edge, and the gulf between rich and poor keeps growing. We are a nation of great wealth, blessed in so many ways. Yet many are hungry or homeless. What would Jesus do in this holiday season?

I got an email from Obama today encouraging me to send a Christmas card to my Senators. So this is what I said:

I am a constituent, and this holiday season, my wish is for health reform. Specifically, I want universal single payor health care. But if you can't get me that for Christmas, then I would like a public option. You see, I believe that the health care system that we have is very broken. I would go so far as to say that it is fundamentally flawed because insurance companies and drug companies are making money off of people that are sick and who's lives depend on the health care they get.
I know that this is not the way it has to be. We are the only nation that delivers health care as a for profit business. Too many people can't afford it, and go uninsured. Too many people are denied service and loose everything to pay for the care they need to live. It is a life or death matter. And in this holiday season, I pray that you will come to see that now is the time for real health care reform. Now that would be the best Christmas ever!

If you feel moved to send an email to your senators, follow this link:

Boy, would Jesus be amazed!

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